Become a Member!
Flying can be an expensive activity. Being a member of the club helps to reduce the cost by spreading costs between all of our members.
The Penn Yan Flying Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit corporation organized to make flying as affordable as possible. Officers and club members volunteer their time and make every effort to eliminate unnecessary expenses as well raise money during our annual July 4th Breakfast.
Interested in becoming a member? Continue further to get answers to commonly asked questions as well as more member specific information. When you are ready, your completed
membership application should be given to the flight instructor that you select from our
instructors page.

Common Membership Questions
How much does it cost to join?
Active (flying) Membership dues are $55 per month, with a one-time $600 initiation fee.
How much do the planes cost?
Aircraft range from $55 to $120 an hour (tach) and fuel is included (wet).
How much does an instructor cost?
Instructors cost $40 an hour for both ground and flight instruction.
Do you need my proof of citizenship?
The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) requires that all applicants provide proof of US citizenship or legal immigrant status. Proof of citizenship (usually a US Passport or Birth Certificate) should be made available to the flight instructor (called a “certificated flight instructor” or CFI), preferably at the first lesson. The CFI will copy the document for our records and return the original.
How long does it take to get a pilot’s license (Private Pilot Certificate)?
This depends solely on your efforts including your flying performance with an instructor, how much effort you put into the “book” work and retain your knowledge. Additional factors include weather conditions, aircraft availability (not usually an issue), and your personal life such as family obligations. Although the industry likes to use “40 hours” as a number – which may be possible, it could also be twice that number of hours.
How much does it cost to become a pilot?
If you use “50 hours” as a benchmark and take that times $120 per hour for our Cherokee and $40 per hour for the instructor, the cost would be an estimated $8000 dollars ($6000 + $2000).
Again, if it takes twice as many hours for your license, than the cost can be twice as much.This cost is generally spread over 2 to 3 years.
The key thing to remember is that “hours” don’t make a pilot. Your flying skill and your practical application of the knowledge you have gained are what make you a pilot. Everything in aviation revolves around what is legal and what is safe. Knowledge is KEY.
I might be interested but I am still not sure…what should I do?
If you are sure that you want to pursue your dream to fly, you can join the Penn Yan Flying Club with a minimum commitment. You must fill out our application (at the top of the page) and pay an initial $50 membership fee. This will entitle you to take three flight lessons at the published cost of the airplane and instructor. After the third lesson, you can decide to continue or not. If you continue, you will pay the balance of the $600.00 club initiation fee to become a regular club member and continue your flight training. If you decide flying is not for you, you can stop and keep the experience forever.
Ok…I have waited all my life and want to be a pilot… What’s next?
Contact a flight instructor to see which one of them can best accommodate your specific needs. At this point you will hand in your application to your instructor who will then set up your account in our reservation system (MyFBO). This reservation system is where you will schedule your flights, flight instructor and manage your billing account…and yes, credit cards are accepted.
You need a Student Pilot Certificate: The Student Pilot Certificate comes from the FAA and is best applied for with the help of a flight instructor. You must complete an application through the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) website or by paper using FAA form 8710-1 and submit it to a Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), an FAA-designated pilot examiner, an airman certification representative associated with a part 141 flight school, or a certificated flight instructor. The authorized individual will process your application and submit the required documents to the Airmen Certification Branch.
Once, reviewed by Airman Certification Branch, you will be sent a letter of authorization, and the student pilot certificate will be mailed to the address provided by you on the application. You may solo with the letter. In the process you will be given an FTN (FAA racking Number). SAVE IT!!! It will follow you throughout your aviation career.
You need a medical certificate: Aviation Medical Examiners (AME) issue aviation medical certificates. A list of AMEs in your area can be found at: FAA Medical Certificates.
Types of Memberships
Active Membership – Flying
Active Membership dues are $55 a month and allow full flying privileges. The Active Membership initiation fee is $600. Applicants for Active Membership must attend two regular club meetings or other organized events before their application is acted upon. Active Membership requires the endorsement of three Voting Members and a 75% vote of Voting Members at a Regular Meeting of the club.
Voting privileges are obtained after participation in ten Board, Regular or Special Safety Meetings, club Fly-In Breakfasts, or Work Bees in any combination (must provide dates to the Recording Secretary 10 days prior to the effective date).
Supporting Membership – NON-FLYING
Supporting Membership dues are $25 a month and there are no flying privileges. The Supporting Membership initiation fee is $100. Applicants for Supporting Membership must attend two regular club meetings or other organized events before their application is acted upon. Supporting Membership requires the endorsement of three Voting Members, and a 75% vote of Voting Members at a Regular Meeting of the club.
Voting privileges are obtained after participation in ten Board, Regular or Special Safety Meetings, club Fly-In Breakfasts, or Work Bees in any combination (must provide dates to the Recording Secretary 10 days prior to the effective date).
COrporate Membership
Any corporate entity desiring membership may apply by letter, and, if accepted by a 75% favorable vote at a Regular Meeting, exercise the privileges of a non-voting Supporting Member. The dues rate for Corporate Members is the same as for Active Members. The Corporate Membership initiation fee is $100.
The following Members must pay full initiation fees appropriate to membership class, but are only required to pay half the dues for the desired membership class:
FAMILY – Any family member (over the age of 21) of a Member who is at an equal or higher membership class.
YOUTH – Anyone under the age of 21 years of age.
MILITARY – Active duty members of the US Armed Forces or those Guard or Reserve members of the Armed Forces on active duty except for Annual Training periods of less than 30 days.
Full flying and scheduling privileges per the clubs Flight Rules are given to any of the above who have the status of Active Member.

Finally…the Rules!
All Pilots (including student pilots) are expected to adhere to FAA regulations, Club Bylaws and the Club Flight Rules. The Club Bylaws contain more information about how the club operates, and the Club Flight Rules cover how the club flies.
TSA requires that all applicants provide proof of US citizenship or legal immigrant status. Non-US citizens must follow additional TSA procedures. Proof of citizenship (usually a US Passport or Birth Certificate) should be made available to the CFI, preferably at the first lesson. The CFI will copy the document for club records and return the original.
All members should list a current credit card with MyFBO for routine charging of dues, sales and flying. Personal card and PIN info is not accessible to either club or MyFBO personnel.